Dragon Writer Luc

Game Plans


A set of relaxing or relatively easy games I can play while watching the other streamers on the multistream and interacting with chat.


  • Typoman (current)
  • Picross S
  • Figment
  • Planet of Lana

Choice Games:

A set of games I really want to play, whether by express choice or a sense of obligation. Twitch viewers can populate this with a points redemption. Presently, I am finishing series that I started earlier and then gained further access to series entries after finishing the set.

This set is currently on weekdays.


  • of Mana (currently Visions)
  • Bravely Default (on deck: Second's post-game dungeons)
  • Donkey Kong Country

  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Pokemon
  • Wonder Boy
  • Xenoblade

Poll Games:

A set of games selected by viewer poll. I try to run entire series before moving to the next.

This set is currently on Saturdays.


  • Final Fantasy (currently XIII)
  • Metroid (Zero Mission on deck)




Legend of Mana Remake - https://youtu.be/KElSs8YIM7A


As each story leads to more stories, I don’t know whether they’re all going to come together or not. Right now, I’m tracking the mage school, the jewel hunter, the pirates and the dragon emperor quest lines, and I think the art mansion and bard centaur are others but I’m not totally certain they’re separate from the mage school.

Presumably, solving all these stories, or at least most of them, will result in the end of the game. There is actually a significantly different time on HowLongToBeat for just finishing the game versus completionist, so I don’t think I need to do everything. But that “completionist” one might also correspond with raising every possible pet. I definitely won’t be doing that one. The Tree of Mana (I think) that appears when you leave an area looks nearly full-grown, however, so I might be near the end of the game? I have no way to tell. I haven’t gathered any elementals or anything like that. Maybe I’m just close to the halfway point.

My rate of progressing through stories has sped up—I finished twice as many this time compared to the previous—but that also might just be that I had some idea what I was doing. I had an objective, most of the time. I think I may have nearly run out of artifacts to place and might have to spend a bunch of time looking around revisits to regions in the future. I still don’t know where Elazul wants to go.

Weekly Streams

Wednesday (Dec. 18)

5-9 PM EST

Visions of Mana