Dragon Writer Luc

Game Plans


A set of relaxing or relatively easy games I can play while watching the other streamers on the multistream and interacting with chat.


  • Typoman (current)
  • Picross S
  • Figment
  • Planet of Lana

Choice Games:

A set of games I really want to play, whether by express choice or a sense of obligation. Twitch viewers can populate this with a points redemption. Presently, I am finishing series that I started earlier and then gained further access to series entries after finishing the set.

This set is currently on weekdays.


  • of Mana (currently Visions)
  • Bravely Default (on deck: Second's post-game dungeons)
  • Donkey Kong Country

  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Pokemon
  • Wonder Boy
  • Xenoblade

Poll Games:

A set of games selected by viewer poll. I try to run entire series before moving to the next.

This set is currently on Saturdays.


  • Final Fantasy (currently XIII)
  • Metroid (Zero Mission on deck)




Dadish 3D - https://youtu.be/oqk_c2iKoHE


Durnak is a computer inside the internet, and we leave the internet by viewing the credits. Makes sense.


That's it for the Dadish series! I enjoyed the experience; though it sometimes had cruel precision required, it really wasn't that hard to play and the games are mercifully short. And all the joke conversations were a delight to read. That said, I'm not super enthusiastic about the games either way. If the developer puts out another one, I'll probably play it, but I'm not in a state of "looking forward to it." I have plenty of other, better games to play.

Weekly Streams

Wednesday (Dec. 18)

5-9 PM EST

Visions of Mana