A set of relaxing or relatively easy games I can play while watching the other streamers on the multistream and interacting with chat.
Choice Games:
A set of games I really want to play, whether by express choice or a sense of obligation. Twitch viewers can populate this with a points redemption. Presently, I am finishing series that I started earlier and then gained further access to series entries after finishing the set.
This set is currently on weekdays.
Donkey Kong Country (current: Donkey Kong Land)
Poll Games:
A set of games selected by viewer poll. I try to run entire series before moving to the next.
This set is currently on Saturdays.
1-3 PM EST
Power Wash Simulator
5-9 PM EST
Donkey Kong Land
5-9 PM EST
Donkey Kong Land
9 AM - 3 PM EST
Final Fantasy XIII