Dragon Writer Luc

Game Plans


A set of relaxing or relatively easy games I can play while watching the other streamers on the multistream and interacting with chat.


  • Typoman (current)
  • Picross S
  • Figment
  • Planet of Lana

Choice Games:

A set of games I really want to play, whether by express choice or a sense of obligation. Twitch viewers can populate this with a points redemption. Presently, I am finishing series that I started earlier and then gained further access to series entries after finishing the set.

This set is currently on weekdays.


  • of Mana (currently Visions)
  • Bravely Default (on deck: Second's post-game dungeons)
  • Donkey Kong Country

  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Pokemon
  • Wonder Boy
  • Xenoblade

Poll Games:

A set of games selected by viewer poll. I try to run entire series before moving to the next.

This set is currently on Saturdays.


  • Final Fantasy (currently XIII)
  • Metroid (Zero Mission on deck)




Visions of Mana - https://youtu.be/rcUaANAvx9Q


His name sounding like "Coda" was no accident.


Was I surprised by Daelophos's tale? Not at all. I called it pretty much as soon as he said a woman's name, and it was even more obvious with the statements concerning how he got the sword during the last video. However, I did not know that Khoda was going to exist at all here. That was a surprise. Also, quite the strong family resemblance over thousands of years.


I was a little surprised that Khoda let us go, but Vadise's statements made me think that she and Khoda have been waiting for such a convoy as this. They won't exactly get many more chances at it with only four sproutlings left, and with Flammie tagging along, well… this is pretty much as good as they're gonna get. If anyone can end Daelophos's influence and remove the need for alms, this is the time to do so.


I was taking a look at my schedule and realized I only have four streams left of this game this year, then I'll be taking a two-week break. I wish I could finish the game without the break, but from the pace of progress in this video, I think that's not going to happen. (It could if I rushed it, but I want to get the near-full completion that is my play style more than I want to finish the game without a break.) The same goes for Final Fantasy XIII, with only two streams left for the year. I guess I'll be finishing both in January.

Weekly Streams

Wednesday (Dec. 18)

5-9 PM EST

Visions of Mana